Susan Singleton

Susan Singleton
Susan is a solicitor with her own firm, Singletons Solicitors, which she founded after working at Slaughter and May and Bristows. She specialises in competition and intellectual property/IT law and data protection and until recently was Vice Chairman of the Competition Law Association. She is an ex board member of the Direct Marketing Commission and is regularly involved in providing advice on the General Data Protection Regulation and on distribution and agency agreements and intellectual property licences including Brexit issues. In 2016 she acted for clients in the tobacco sector in two separate cases in relation to EU/IP law in the High Court, CA and CJEU. She brought the first action for damages for breach of competition law to reach a full trial before the English courts - Arkin v Borchard Lines. She is the author of 30 law books including the looseleaf Business, the Internet and the Law and co-author of E-Contracts and Comparative Law of Monopolies looseleafs as well as textbooks Commercial Agency Agreements (4th edition 2015), Joint ventures and Shareholders' Agreements (5th ed 2017) and Buying and Selling Private Companies and Businesses ( 10th ed 2017). She publishes ten subscription monthly legal newsletters acquired from Informa including IT Law Today, Corporate Briefing and Finance and Credit Law.

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